Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shamian Island 09-26-2010

Models and brides-to-be are a common sight here on Shamian Island. The surroundings are beautiful and seem to attract a lot of photo shoots.

Honestly. Scott and I were really just trying to find a little toy for Meili to chew on. When we went to dinner with our friends, we noticed that she had put it on her handless hand. It wasn't meant to be a prosthesis.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott & Laura!
    It is so much fun to see Meili's personality. It must be so good for her to be there with you growing in confidence- even though it is long- before the long trip back. It is also fun to see her in the purple shirt and striped dress. She's adorable in them. Thanks again, so, so much for sharing all of this. Can't wait to see you. Sun and rain here- things are great and green at your house.
    Much love always,
